Find my weather station

Ever wonder how much it snowed last year, or the year before, or every year since 1950? Well, to find this data, you’ll first need to choose a weather station.

As much as I like wasting time on the NOAA website, I figured this could be easier in R. Introducing nearWX (found here)

All you need is lat/long values (in the US) and a NOAA key. Request one at

Once you source the function from github:

Madison <- data.frame(-89.4,43.0667)
noaakey <- 'shFYexr.........' # your personal key
station <- nearWX(Madison,noaakey)

Station will return the list of closest weather stations. You will want the $id for use in the rnoaa package

In the rnoaa package there are few options for datasets (ANNUAL: Annual Summaries; GHCND: Daily Summaries; GHCNDMS: Monthly Summaries; …) parameters (CLDD: Cooling degree days; MNTM: Monthly mean temperature; TPCP: Total precipitation; TSNW: Total snowfall;…)

An example for retrieving monthly snowfall:

out <- ncdc(datasetid = "GHCNDMS", stationid = station$id[1], datatypeid = 'TSNW', 
startdate = "2010-01-01", enddate = "2010-12-31",token=noaakey,limit=100)

We’re limited to a year of data, so create a loop:

# hydroYr: TRUE = Sep-May, FALSE: Jan-Dec
annualTot <- function(stationid,datatypeid,startyear,endyear,hydroYr = FALSE,unitConv = 1) {
   output = data.frame(year = seq(startyear,endyear), parameter = NA)
   for (i in 1:nrow(output)){
   if (hydroYr == TRUE) {
   out <- ncdc(datasetid = "GHCNDMS", stationid = stationid, datatypeid = datatypeid, startdate = paste(output$year[i],"-09-01",sep=''), enddate = paste(output$year[i]+1,"-05-31",sep=''),token=noaakey,limit=100)
    } else {
   out <- ncdc(datasetid = "GHCNDMS", stationid = stationid, datatypeid = datatypeid, startdate = paste(output$year[i],"-01-01",sep=''), enddate = paste(output$year[i],"-12-31",sep=''),token=noaakey,limit=100)
    tot = sum(out$data$value) * unitConv #convert from mm to in
    output$parameter[i] = tot
    Sys.sleep(3) #NOAA timeout

And plot:

#annual total snowfall sep-may reported in inches
madSnow <- annualTot(station$id[3],'TSNW',1960,2014,hydroYr=T,unitConv = 0.03937)
barplot(madSnow$parameter,names.arg = madSnow$year,las=2,cex.names = 0.8,
cex.axis = 0.8, col='darkblue',ylab = 'total snowfall (inches)', xaxs = "i")
Annual Snowfall Madison, Wisconsin 1960-2014 (Dane County Airport)
Annual Snowfall Madison, Wisconsin 1960-2014 (Dane County Airport)